pedestal arrangement for church

Flower Arrangements for Church

When making flower arrangements for church, size matters a lot. You don’t want flowers that disappear and are not visible to the person a few sits down the aisle. In other words, cute and delicate floral arrangements will not cut it for this one. The display should be big enough to be seen and not swallowed up by other things at the altar.

When designing your floral displays, you want them to work with the altar and not against it. Some of the things to consider include, the design of the altar and the different things at the altar. Is there a pulpit and how big is it?

Where will the arrangements be positioned? This is important because it informs the height of the flowers as well as the type and size of vase. As an example, if the flowers will be placed on a stand, then a flat vase would be more appropriate. If they will be placed on a stair, then a tall vase like 16 inches would be ideal.

Pedestal Arrangements for Church

Pedestal arrangements are also known as Front Facing Arrangements. This is one of the most common arrangements preferred in a church setting. The size of the arrangements depends on the look you are going for. Sometimes, you can have one big at the center and two smaller ones at the sides, or you can have all of them being the same size.


  1. Pieces of floral foam
  2. The deep bowl or tray that will hold enough floral foam
  3. Tape
  4. Secateurs and knife
  5. Four to five types of greenery
  6. Four to five types of flowers


Begin with prepped flowers and soaked foam.

  • Place the soaked pieces foam in the deep container. The number and size you use will depend on the size of the container and how large your arrangement will be. For this arrangement, I used four blocks lying flat on top of each other.
  • Tape the top two foams together to avoid any form of movement. Next, tape the foams to the container by passing the tape from one side of the container to the other. Make sure its secure by taping both across and along. The stability of the base is critical because it affects the stability of the final display.
  • Begin placing your greenery by selecting a tall piece of greenery cutting it at an angle and placing it near the back of the arrangement but right at the middle. Picture an imaginary point at the middle of the blocks where both the greenery and the flowers will appear to radiate from.
  • Recut and add the greenery in a balanced way and in different angles, although this arrangement has more materials in the front, there should be a significant amount going backward to achieve physical balance. Place materials all the way around and remember to add some lower down to soften the edges and cover the container as well.
  • Also, note that adding different types of greenery brings in different textures and gives the arrangement a garden-like a feel. Use smaller greenery to fill in any spaces especially where the foam might still be visible.
  • Begin adding the flowers beginning with the big ones. Cut one long stem and place it right in front of the main greenery stem. Arrange the others in a staggered pattern down on the sides. Place the flowers at angles they don’t all have to face forward (it gives them a more natural look).
  • Remove the excess foliage from the flowers and add them in balanced staggered heights giving each its own character. Always remember the imaginary radiation point and place the flowers in with that in mind.
  • Also, place the flowers with long stems at the back of the arrangement so that they are visible. Add all the different types of flowers that you have in staggered lines to have a natural look and also fill in all spaces.
  • Then finish of the pedestal with any form of grass that you have in case you don’t have any no worries.

Altar Table Arrangement for Church

For churches that have an altar table, having a flower arrangement that rests on the table adds a beautiful touch. However, the arrangement should be short in height we don’t want the priest or minister to be covered as he or she stands behind it. The arrangement can be long and even hang on the front side of the table which can be achieved using long-stemmed foliage and flowers.


  1. Long piece of foam and tape
  2. A tray to hold the wet foam.
  3. Two to three types of flowers
  4. Two to three types of flowers


For this arrangement the desired look was simple but elegant, so only three types of flowers of the same color were used. Additionally, only two types of foliage were used, one broad-leaf and the second fine-leaf.

  • Strap the wet foam securely on the tray using tape.
  • Begin by giving the wide-leafed foliage a fresh cut and sticking them in the foam on three corners. Choose the longest stems for the three corners. Then place the next in length in the spaces next to the long ones. Follow these up with shorter ones. Place some foliage to cover the tray at the back.
  • Recut the second type of foliage with finer leaves and stick them in the spaces between the first foliage. This is a simple display so don’t go overboard with the foliage.
  • Cut the first rose and place it vertically right at the center of the arrangement. Cut and place the rest of the roses in a clustered manner emanating from the central rose.
  • Cut and place the carnations in a fan-like way spreading from one end to the other. To do this begin by cutting and placing two carnations at the ends. Follow this up by adding different lengths of carnations from one side to the other.
  • The gerbera daisies are the third flower. Cut and fill the space that has been left between the vertical roses and the almost vertical carnations. Pop the daisies at different angles so that they all seem to radiate from the central rose.
  • Check your arrangement to make sure that there are no gaping spaces and fill them with either of the flowers.

You can, of course, use the different varieties of flowers you have access to and create different variations of the arrangement. However, remember not to make it too elaborate or tall.

All Round Arrangement for Church

The all round arrangement is also common among the preferred flower arrangements for church. It is perfect when it is placed somewhere in the middle and will be seen from all angles. An example is placing two all round arrangements on the two sides of the pulpit at the altar.

If you have other flowers on the altar, make sure they are all working together in terms of the types of flowers used as well as in the positioning of the arrangements.


  1. Designers bowl (its round shape makes it ideal for the arrangement)
  2. Foam
  3. Tape
  4. Mix of flowers
  5. Mix of foliage


  • Place the pre-soaked foam pieces inside the designer bowl. In case you have foam that is too long, you can cut it to size.
  • Tape the foam pieces together firmly. Also, tape them on to the container by placing the tape across from one side to the other. Use your judgment to identify when everything in the base is secure.
  • Start by cutting and placing wide leaved foliage all round at the base to cover the container. Begin adding the second type of foliage and take it all the way up to the top. Turn your arrangement around as you work so that you have a balance of the placements.
  • Cut the different foliage to different heights and pop them in creating different textures. To have a pleasing look work methodically, with each foliage work from down up or up down as you turn the arrangement around.
  • Begin placing your first type of flower by cutting and placing one tall stem at the very center. Cut and place the other stems in a methodical way around the arrangement going downwards. Also, note to cut the flowers to different levels so that the arrangement has a natural look.
  • Move to the second type of flower and continue to cut and place them in the spaces not covered by the first type. Spin your arrangement to have a good angle of placing the flowers.
  • Proceed to add all the types of flowers you wanted to use making sure to add them all the way from top to bottom.
  • To complete the arrangement, you can place it in an urn or stand whichever is available or preferred.

When making big flower arrangements for church, mix different flowers for the vibrant look. No number of flowers is too few. Even if you have just three stems of a particular type of flower, use them. They will add some color or texture to the arrangement.

Check out this article for arrangement tips for the different types of flowers that you will find yourself working with. They are general tips that can be applied when making your flower arrangements for church.

Floral Arrangement tip: Give a clean cut to all the flowers and foliage at an angle before placing them in the foam. Not only does it ensure that they take up water but it also ensures that they are firm and don’t wiggle out of place.



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  1. Hi,
    I have noticed that you always begin your arrangements with foliage, is this way better than beginning with flowers then adding the foliage later?

    1. Hello,
      Every person has a preferred way of working. Personally, I use either depending on the display I am making. However, I have noticed that when I begin with greenery it sometimes helps me use fewer flowers.

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