Fastest growing flower seeds for science project

Fastest Growing Flower Seeds for Science Project

Finding the fastest growing flower seeds for science project is necessary because you need flowers that not only germinate quickly but also flower early. Some of the common flower seeds that grow rapidly include zinnias, marigolds, cosmos, dianthus, and nasturtiums.

When working in a science project, using fast-growing seeds is necessary because the children can see results fast. The hardest part is waiting for the seeds to germinate and it can really test the patience of the children. Impatient kids are often tempted to unearth the seeds to see if they are okay which can possibly ruin the whole project.

Fastest growing flower seeds for science project

The following list should help you pick some of the quick-growing flowers for your project and avoid the stress and patience test.

  • Marigold

The marigold is one of the easiest and fastest flowers to grow from seeds. There are different varieties of marigolds including the Africa marigold, Mexican marigold, and French marigold. The fastest growing is the French marigold while the African produces the largest plant.

Choosing this flower for a science project will allow kids to see results fast because the flower seeds sprout within five to seven days in optimum conditions. The best conditions include soil temperatures of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and about a quarter of an inch depth during planting.

The marigold flowers are also a good choice because they are available in different colors including red, white, gold, and yellow. It also blooms in approximately six-eight weeks from planting depending on the variety chosen. The plant is also hardy making it ideal for a science project, it can do well in poor soils and doesn’t require fertilization.

  • Zinnias

Zinnias are also some of the fastest growing flower seeds for science project. The flowers are available in different colors including purple, white, yellow, orange, red, gold, and pink. They are good for a kid’s project because they provide a showy display.

They are also ideal for a science project because they are available in different sizes including large, standard, and dwarf and the participant can choose depending on the size of pot or area they intend to establish them.

The flower seeds usually sprout within five-seven days and the first blooms appear after four-seven weeks. These early results are recorded in flowers that receive optimal conditions of soil temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit needed for quick germination and one-quarter inch deep seed establishment.

  • Cosmos

Cosmos is the third type of fastest growing flower seeds for science project. There are different varieties of cosmos including the seashells, cosmic orange, and bright lights mix that can be found in a variety of colors such as red, pink, brown, orange, and yellow.

The flower seeds sprout through the soil in about five-seven days. They should have a consistent soil temperature of about 70 degrees Fahrenheit and be planted at a one-quarter inch deep. The flowers also grow to about 3-4 feet high and produce blooms at approximately four to seven weeks which range in size between 1 ½ – 4 inches wide.

  • Nasturtiums

These fast-growing flower seeds are also ideal for a science project. They are versatile, attractive and fragrant. The flowers bloom in different colors including white, yellow, pink, and red. The blooms are about 2 inches wide in size.

Nasturtiums are perfect for science projects because they grow so easily and rapidly. They bloom at approximately eight weeks from planting.

  • Dianthus

The last of the fastest growing flower seeds for science project is the dianthus. The flower seeds normally sprout within five to seven days after planting when provided with a consistent soil temperature of between 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit. They should also be planted at a depth of about one-eighth inch in the soil.

The dianthus blooms are typically made up of five petals and are two-toned with colors including white, pink, and maroon.

It is important to note that amongst all the types of flowers mentioned above, the dianthus grows at a slower rate after germination has taken place.


Science projects provide children with an opportunity to have hands-on experience. Helping the kids choose the flower seeds to use is important so that they enjoy the process and not get frustrated waiting for their plants to germinate. I hope this list fastest growing flower seeds for science projects was helpful and you found some useful information that will help narrow down your choices.



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