Hybrid Tea Roses are perfect plants for gardens, landscapes, and pots. They produce huge flowers that are available in a wide selection of colors. You can get them in different shades of yellow, pink, purple, orange, and peach. Although they are a beautiful addition to any space, they do not perform well if proper planting and care are not performed. This post is a simple guide to help you grow healthy and gorgeous hybrid tea roses.
Common Name | Hybrid Tea Roses |
Light | Full sun |
Bloom Colors | Pink, red, yellow, orange, purple, white |
Soil | Well draining loam |
Hardiness Zones | 5-9 |
Type | Deciduous shrub |
Hybrid Tea Roses Growing Care
Hybrid Tea Roses grow to about 3-8 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide when mature. They can also be pruned and shaped to desired shapes and sizes.
The ideal light requirements for Hybrid Tea Roses are about five hours or more of sun each day. When choosing a location, ensure it receives sufficient light for your roses to do well. If you don’t have a lot of direct light you can still grow them in partial shade. Don’t grow the roses in complete shade.
For best results grow Hybrid Tea Roses in a location with well-drained soils. The soil can be improved with small amounts of compost or organic soil enhancers at a one-to-one ratio. The roses don’t do well in rocky soil. If the only space you have is too rocky, you can dig big holes and fill them with large volumes of the soil before establishing the plants.
Once you have selected an ideal site, the next step is to dig the planting hole. The hole should be at least twice the diameter of the root ball and one and a half times its height. Mix in the soil you remove from the hole with your compost or organic soil enhancer. It’s best to use the one-to-one ratio.
Carefully remove the rose plant from its container. If the root system looks tight or root-bound, you should loosen the outer roots. To do so, slice the root ball vertically all around using a sharp knife. Next loosen the roots by carefully spreading the roots out with your hands.
Place the rosebush in the planting hole so that the bud union or the knob near the plant crown is about two inches below the original ground level. Then cover the root ball with the prepared backfill soil. Press down around the plant and firm the soil with your hands or foot.
It’s important not to cover the bud union. After ensuring that your bush is firmly established in the hole and is upright, give it a good soak to make sure the soil is settled.
Immediately after planting, the Hybrid Tea Roses should be watered every other day for the first month. You should water less if rainy weather persists. After the first month, water the roses just like you would other plants in the garden when the top few inches are dry.
Deadheading Hybrid Tea Roses
Deadheading is an important step in the care of Tea Roses. When removing spent flowers from a Tea Rose, cut off the flower stem above a set of leaflets containing five leaves. All forms of deadheading should be completed by September to signal the rose bush to start shutting down for winter.
The best way to fertilize and feed your Hybrid Tea Roses is by using organic fertilizers. These types of fertilizers will be beneficial if applied just as the plant begins to grow in the spring. These fertilizers should be worked into the soil around the drip line of the plant.
Immediately after planting, it is recommended to apply about two inches of mulch. Applying mulch has several advantages to the plant; it provides nutrients, helps control weeds, helps retain moisture, and also helps keep the roots cool.
Pests and Diseases
All types of roses including Hybrid Tea Roses get affected by pests and diseases. This is an important aspect of Hybrid Tea Rose growing and care.
The main problems are black spots and powdery mildew which is a fungal disease. The two diseases are not a severe problem with shrub roses or reclaimers. However, they are a plague, especially to Hybrid Tea and Floribundas.
They cause the rose bushes to lose lots of foliage and stop blooming. The best way to prevent diseases is to use fungicides. An example is to alternate Bi-carb with Fung-Onil once weekly to keep these diseases under control.
The roses can also be attacked by pests such as aphids, thrips, and spider mites. The pests can be contained using neem oil or insecticidal soap. Apply the products every other week as preventative measures.
You should not fertilize roses after Summer. This will give the hybrid tea roses time to finish hardening off for Winter. Around Thanksgiving, cut the rose bush back to about 2 feet to prevent wind whipping.
Also, cover the rose canes with about 1 foot of bark mulch heaping it around the base. The mulch helps to insulate the bud union from being killed when temperatures fall below 15 degrees.
Next Season
The next season begins during Spring. In late March prune out all dead wood and prune the hybrid tea rose to shape. Also start fertilizing the rose bush to promote growth during the warm months.
This is also the best time to begin your regimen of disease and insect protection. Also, begin to gradually uncover the rose bush at the beginning of April and have the bushes completely uncovered halfway through the month.
Easy Growing Tips
- While watering be sure to thoroughly soak the soil.
- Plant roses in at least 5 to 6 hours of sun per day, shade is not recommended.
- Apply two inches of mulch at planting time and at least once annually.
- If you use pesticides, apply at dusk when the bees and other pollinators are not present.
- Break up hard clay soil with the addition of compost to the backfill
- To keep the roses blooming well throughout the growing season, deadhead spent blooms, for aesthetics as well as preventing diseases and pests.
- Include weekly sprays of fungicides to help prevent diseases such as black spot and powdery mildew.
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Hybrid Tea Roses are awesome plants especially for plant owners who love rose flowers. If you care for your brushes properly, you can have them for many years. The rose blooms are great to look at as well as cut and include them in different types of floral arrangements.
I hope you found this post on Hybrid Tea Roses growing and care helpful. If so, please share it with friends and family, am sure someone will appreciate the information. Also, follow me on Pinterest for more useful posts on flowers and plants.

I love roses, today, I learn about new rose variety.