Hoya Linearis Plant Care and Propagation

Hoya Linearis plant care and propagation are easy compared to other houseplants. The care differs slightly from other types of Hoyas that you might be used to such as hoya tricolor and Hoya lacunose. The common types of Hoyas have waxy leaves which helps them retain a lot of water. These varieties of Hoya’s like to dry out first in between watering cycles.

Watering Hoya Linearis

Hoya Linearis leaves are different, they’re longer and softer and don’t hold as much water compared to the flat and waxy leaves. The leaves are also slightly hairy. You’ll want to let the soil dry out partially in between watering cycles.

I have made the mistake of letting it completely dry out and I almost lost some plants. I find myself watering them more than the other Hoyas, but that’s just my personal experience. Test everything and see what works for you.

Lighting for Hoya Linearis

Hoya Linearis houseplants do like a lot of bright indirect alight. Sufficient light allows them to grow faster and healthier. The plants should also get more light at the top.

Most hanging plants including String of Hearts and String of Pearls need a lot of light on top. If they’re not getting light on the top, they start to get bald.

 These hoyas don’t do well in low-light areas sin the house.

Humidity Requirements for Hoya Linearis

The Hoya Linearis do well in high humidity areas. About 40% of humidity is good enough. If you are in a dry area you might have to use a humidifier. When the air is too dry, the plants stop growing.

When provided with sufficient humidity, the plants produce new growth. The new foliage starts white and light green and very pubescent, don’t think it’s sick and cut it off.

The Hoya Linearis also flowers and produces pure white blooms. But even when they don’t flower, the trailing and hanging stems and leaves look so beautiful.

Hoya Linearis Soil Requirements

The plants do well in soil that drains well but also retains enough moisture so that the roots can access water. If you have a highly porous soil and the water just drains out, you will find that you have to water the plant every two or so days.

Repotting Hoya Linearis

Hoya Linearis houseplants don’t require as much repotting as most other houseplants. These plants have roots that take quite a long time to develop. This one of the plants that can be left in the pot was purchased in and for a while before there is a need to re-pot.

You should also be cautious of putting the plant in a big pot because the roots will have access to too much water which can lead to root rot. As long as your Hoya is doing fine, there is no need to disturb it.

Propagating Hoya Linearis

Propagating Hoya Linearis is easy. The best plants to propagate are those that have matured vines. The mature vines produce small roots at the nodes. To propagate successfully, make small cuttings with about two leaves and stick them in soil.

Give the small cuttings time and the small roots will begin to root. It’s important to note that the root development in these cuttings as well as in the established Hoya Linearis roots takes significantly longer to grow.

Another way you can propagate the Hoya Linearis is by laying the vines on grow pots filled with soil. This method also works well with String of Hearts. Leave the roots on the soil and once they root cut them off and separate them from the mother plant.

Provide your cuttings with a lot of indirect to bright sunlight and warmth to promote growth. About 75-80 degrees should be fine.

Hoya Linearis Pests

The plants can get mealy bugs and it can difficult to save the plant especially when they get a full-blown infestation.

They have so many little crevices and nodes and the pests hide inside. The best approach is to check your plant every time you’re watering. The earlier you can identify the presence of pests the higher your chances of getting rid of them completely.

Best Pots for Hoya Linearis

Hoya Linearis plant care and propagation also include growing the plant in a good pot. The plant can grow in almost all types of pots. If you have the plants in terracotta pots you will have to water them a lot more frequently. Terracotta’s good for Hoyas but you have to water more often. Additionally, the more light these plants receive, the more water you have to give them.

Hoya Plants Poisonous to Cats and Dogs

Hoya plants including Hoya Linearis are not toxic to cats or dogs. The plants don’t contain any toxins or poisonous sap. However, the Hoya leaves are not digestible to pets, so if your cat or dog eats a large amount of the same, it might throw up. Check this post on poisonous plants for dogs and cats.


Hoya Linearis is a great houseplant. It can be a great addition to your collection of houseplants. It is probably not the best first plant for a beginner but you can always try your skills.

I hope you found this post on Hoya Linearis plant care and propagation helpful. If so, please share it and also follow me on Pinterest for more useful posts on flowers and houseplants.



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