Cheap DIY garden edging ideas

Cheap DIY garden edging ideas that you can use to give flower beds and lawns a beautiful look. Edging is necessary because it’s an effective way of keeping unwanted grass, weeds, and other plants from growing into flowerbeds and gardens. Edges can be made of different types of materials. Edging acts as a physical barrier between the landscaped area or lawn and the garden. The materials used for edging need to extend below the top layers of the soil.

Inexpensive & Cheap DIY Garden Edging Ideas

The materials should also extend below the level of the weed’s or grass’s roots if you are to be successful in keeping them out of the landscaped space. rea. For most lawns and landscaping designs this depth is usually about three inches.

Edging gardens are often used for both decorative and functional purposes in landscaping. Many different materials work amazingly as edging items.

You can reuse and repurpose old materials. You can get all types of materials and use them to make cheap DIY garden edging ideas. Although the majority are made of plastic or metals, there are also some beautiful natural edging materials.

Regardless of the materials that you decide to use, be creative and you will end up with a gorgeous landscape. Sometimes, you never know what will work well until you try it.

Types of Lawn Edging

Organic Edging Materials:

  • Woven willow is a unique organic edging material.  The material is available pre-woven. The material comes in basket-like forms that have stakes after every few feet. When installing it in the ground, the stakes are pushed in the soil. This type of material is perfect for creating designs around the herb and rustic gardens.
  • Bamboo is also a common edging material. It is a durable edging material that is also unique. You can create different looks and feel using bamboos because they are available in different heights and widths. Bamboo can create an exotic feel in landscapes. Ideal for use in and around water gardens.

Inorganic Edging Materials:

  • Rubber sheets and recycled plastic are some of the most common inorganic materials used in garden edging. The materials are durable and are also effective at stopping grass from spreading and growing into the landscaped areas. Although the materials take very long to degrade in the environment, at least they are made of 100% recycled items.
  • Terra Cotta tiles also referred to as shingles can also be used to edge lawns and gardens. The material is perfect especially for making raised borders and edges. This one of the materials that allow for DIY creativity. Because they are available in different shapes, you can make mosaic patterns and create unique edges that are color-coordinated with the theme you want in your garden.
  • Limestone and quarried stones are also other common edging materials. The best way to edge with these materials is by digging a shallow trench along the area you want to edge. The size of the trench can vary depending on the desired design.

The edging created with stones or limestone is versatile and can be mowed over without any fear of causing damage. It is important to ensure that the material is laid at the same level as the surface of the ground.

  • Old house bricks are also a great option when searching for edging materials. Recycled old bricks can be styled in a creative way to design a great looking edge. Dig trenches along the area to be edged and place them at different angles.
Cheap DIY Flower Garden Edging Idea

Leaving the top half of the bricks exposed creates a beautiful color compliment to the surrounding ground cover plants. This type of DIY edging is often found in and around gardens and landscaped areas.

  • Decorative metal panels and wrought iron are also options of inorganic edging materials. These types of materials last for extended periods. They can also be reused if the owner decides to change things up. They are ideal for rose and other flower gardens as well as Victoria type gardens.

Benefits of Garden Edging

Aesthetics is one of the primary reasons why people edge their gardens. Edging a garden gives it a more defined appearance. The edge provides a clear line all around the landscaped area which creates a separation from the rest of the lawn.

Edging also makes weeding, lawn, and landscape care easier. When the edging material is properly fixed, it limits the spread of weeds and unwanted plants.

When some edging materials are used such as blocks or bricks, they raise the flowerbed surface above the level of the lawn. The raised flowerbeds create emphasis and also add contour to the area.

The edging bricks and blocks are effective in retaining the soil in the elevated garden. They also prevent lawn grasses from growing out of control and into the sides of the flower beds.

Cheap DIY garden edging ideas can be brought to life with almost any material with a bit of creativity and ingenuity. Edging does not have to be expensive if you can use items that you may already have around the house and yard.

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You don’t have to use expensive materials to edge your garden or lawn. There are very many options to choose from especially if you are DIYing and doing everything yourself.

Regardless of the type of edging material you choose to use, be creative, and create something unique that fits your garden.

I hope you found this post on cheap DIY garden edging ideas helpful. If so, please share it and also follow me on Pinterest for more useful posts on flowers and plants.

Cheap DIY Flower Garden Edging Idea



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